Wake up story

We are watching a play right now. We've been watching it, we've been immersed in it, we've been living it for a while now. This is our story, from where I stand.

It all started with an attack on humanity. A disease, something that was supposed to make it difficult for people to breathe, even have them perish in great numbers, suddenly hit Earth's people. This attack was aimed at the human body and at the human mind. The body was either going to be ill or it would carry that ill seed in it and spread it around causing pain and death to others. So much so that the world had to stop. Every single human on earth had to stop and pay attention to this. The young, healthy and strong  were told they were a danger to the elderly and those who were not in good health. The elderly were told that the presence of any young or healthy person was potentially deadly to them. They could carry something in them that would make the older people take their last breath. The people were told that they should stay home to save lives. They were told not to go to work, to save lives. Everywhere they looked there were reminders of this disease and the measures they were to take in order to avoid it. The people were worried. They were afraid. They did not want to get ill. They did not want their loved ones to get ill. They missed their loved ones. But they did not dare to go to see them, to hug them, because they might cause them to die. And anyway, they were not allowed to. For their own good, For everybody's good.
Then the wise people in charge came up with a solution. They told the people that if they covered up their breathways, they might be allowed to interact with others. From a distance though! Not too close! Always remembering that they could either get ill or make others ill! They had to stay apart. And fear for their own life or for that of the others! At all times! And to remember to cover up. Perhaps not breathe too strongly and not speak too much would be best, the people thought. After all that's how they could hurt each-other.
Some time went by, long enough for the people to be accustomed to the distance, the separation, the fear. It was already a habit and nothing strange seeing almost everybody with their mouths and noses covered up. It had become a symbol of respect.
And then, one sad day, another attack befell upon humankind. News and deeply disturbing images of a man being robbed of his breath by another had surfaced. And humanity was hit again. This time, it was their emotions, their empathy, their heart and compassion that were affected. Some were filled with anger. Some were filled with guilt. All were filled with pain. Some told the people that they should be enraged. Some told them that they should go out and express the rage. Somehow, this time, going out would save and improve lives. Some encouraged others to go out and create more destruction, that somehow that would remove the hatred from society and make things better.  More loss of life and livelihood  came to be. People were even more separated. This time in their hearts.
Humanity was shaken. They were being told that the world was filled with disease and hatred. They were being told that they were diseased and full of hatred. And all those good human hearts were in a lot of pain. And some thought that they were not good people. That they deserved all this pain and punishment. And some thought that others were not good people. That they deserved pain and punishment.
The world had become a strange place. An unsettling place to be in. People were starting to wonder if there was more to come? Life had been relatively normal before all this had started, surely there had always been problems here and there on Earth, but nothing like this, never on such a scale. The same problems. Everywhere. At the same time. The same response. Everywhere. At the same time. How could this be? It was as if something, someone had planned all of it. Was that even possible? Was it possible that there was someone, something behind all this?
Things seemed to look that way. Somehow these two attacks on humanity had this strange thing in common, the word 'breath' kept on coming up. And people were more and more breathless. As if their breath was slowly being taken away. Why breath? What was breath? And who would gain from taking it away from people? Who would gain by suppressing it?
Breath. Life was said to begin at the moment when people would take their first breath, and it was said to end with the last breath. Breath seemed to be life itself. Taking a breath in was called inspiration. Inspiration. Spirit. What did spirit have to do with breath? What was spirit? Some said it was the soul. Some talked about the Holy Spirit. What did spirit have to do with all of this? Did spirit have anything to do with all of this? Could this be an attack on the peoples' spirit? On their body, mind and spirit?
Who would gain from subjugating humanity with fear? Who would gain from seeding hatred in people's hearts? Hatred towards their brothers and sisters just because they were different? Young hating old, old fearing young, women hating men, men despising women, different races, different religions, different beliefs - all reasons to hate? Was the human heart naturally hateful? Were people born full of hate? Or was this taught? Taught and trained though trauma? Throughout history? Had people been carrying this pain in their hearts and passed it down from generation to generation? Were there some who always had something to gain from dividing the people, from keeping them separated? Had they been the same players throughout history?  Was all this madness happening in the world right now, an attempt at taking complete control over humanity? After all, everybody had heard of 'divide and conquer'. And everyone had heard that repeating a word, an image, an idea over and over again would eventually penetrate people's minds, changing their beliefs, changing their perceptions. A word such as 'breath' perhaps. Something so precious, something so vital. Could someone have weaponized people's idea of vitality against them? Was all of this a heavy handed attempt at complete world domination? At keeping every single person under complete control? Fearful and obedient? Fearing for their breath? Eager for an end to this pain and turmoil? Eager and ready to accept any solution to all these problems? Even if the solution would come from the same hidden hand that created the problem in the first place?
Things seemed to point in that direction. Everything was happening on a worldwide scale this time. It was not a single isolated event that people could pretend did not affect them. It was the same thing everywhere. All the same. At the same time. That was strange.
So people started to take notice. They started to pay attention. The idea that someone, something was pulling the strings behind all these events was starting to make sense. There had always been a few people that had always benefited and actually made a profit from this kind of situations.
The people started to suspect that they had been manipulated. That they had been used against each other to create pain and destruction at the profit of a few. It was as if a dark heavy cloud was lifted. And they could see clearly now. And they could breathe freely now.  And the  people took a deep breath and said 'No More! We will have no more of this! No more fear. No more pain. No more separation! We are all brothers and sisters and we stand together. We are here for each other. We love and support one another. We forgive each other for we all make mistakes. Our hearts are filled with love, joy and hope. For we have found each other again.  We honor our differences for they makes us unique. We cherish our uniqueness, we are each one of a kind. The human kind. We stand together as the family that we are. We will not be oppressed. We will not be suppressed. We will not be dominated. The love we hold in our hearts for each other has set us free! We are no longer afraid for the love in our hearts has given us wings! We stand together as the family that we are. The Earth family. One family. One'.


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