
The hero's journey/ascension.
The kingdom/3D is ridden with enemies (the wells are poisoned and so is the food supply, there is much poverty, disease etc.). The hero/prince leaves his home and sacrifices his own comfort (the known) and embarks on a quest (answering life's big questions, enlightenment, the unknown) to free the land of the evil, for the greatest good of all. It is a lonely path (meaning we each must do this on our own, no one can do this for us) in which he is met with much adversity (his shadow and karma) and must find the courage to push through, to remove the obstacles (clearing the trauma, releasing the karma through forgiveness). Finally, after many tests, trials and tribulations, he is victorious and brings peace to the kingdom/the kingdom becomes 5D/the promised land.
The hero transforms from the prince (unexplored potential) to the prince on a quest/mission (the positively polarized being) to the sovereign king (fully realized potential/ascended master).


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