
What about the body? What comes to mind when you think of your body? What do you see when you look in the mirror? How does it feel to be in your body? What is your relationship with your body? 
Do you think it is healthy, vibrant, beautiful? Or do you think it is too fat/too skinny, too old, wrinkled, 'out of shape', heavy, not beautiful enough etc.? What do you think about other people's bodies?
Think back to when you were a child, how did you see your body then, how did you perceive other people's bodies? What did you hear the other kids and the adults say about your body, their bodies or bodies in general? What were the other people's attitudes about their own bodies? Did they look at themselves in the mirror with a strong, critical, dissaprooving eye? Did they complain about their weight/height/cellulite/wrinkles? What did they think about their health and health in general? Did they tell you to get dressed well or you will catch a cold? Did they fearfully talk about other people getting sick? Do you now see, think and say the same things yourself? What about the way you moved when you were a child? Or the way the older people moved? How do you move now?

Your body is your temple and it responds to the template that you have constructed in your mind with the help of your emotions. Your body is a most precious gift for it is through it that you experience life.

Do you treat your body as the treasure that it is? How precious is your body to you? Everything that you think, speak and do affects your body. Whether you address it to yourself or the others. Everything you take in, the air, the water, the food, the ideas, the conversations, the books/articles you read, the movies you watch, the music you listen to etc., every thing has an effect on your body-mind-emotional system. And vice versa, everything you put out into the world has an effect on the world and then it comes back to you. Every thing is connected and every one is connected.

What do you choose to take in? And what do you choose to put out? 

How do you see yourself and how do you see others?

Can you learn to truly love your body for the amazing life giving creation that it is? Can you treat your body as the sacred being that it is? Can you forgive it for its 'imperfections', 'flaws', aches, pains and diseases? Can you believe that it is all a gift? For you, to discover. A mystery to unravel. A clue to interpret. Everything that enters your experience is a gift, for you! What will you do with it?

I choose to love. I am learning to love. I am unlearning all this programming that I have received/accepted and that is constantly being pushed on us, telling us we are never enough, we are weak and powerless and at the mercy of randomness. I strongly believe, and my entire life has proven to me, that it is not so, we are certainly not powerless, we have all the power that it takes to become the sovereign beings that we were born to be. It is in us, underneath all the conditioning that we have been subjected to. It is up to us to look inside, with courage, to find the destructive beliefs and to heal the traumas that are keeping us 'stuck'. It's up to us to replace the destructive beliefs with constructive thoughts and to act upon those. It's up to us to become responsable for our thoughts,words and actions towards ourselves and towards the others. The power is within. It is in awareness. Being aware of everything that enters your field of experience and chosing what you do with it. Becoming aware that you have the power to transform that which appears to be negative by understanding what part of you is being reflected in it, taking responsability for it and by forgiving yourself and all other participants. By turning the pain, the hurt into wisdom. A lesson learned.


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