
You were created in the image of God (Source). You are in God's imagination. You are God's imagination. God imagined you. You are God's dream. That gives you total freedom of creation. Or what we call free will. Just like in a dream, a lucid dream, your wish is your command. If you believe you can - you will. Belive. Be then live. Step one: be. Step two: live. But first you have to belive. You always live what you believe. Do you believe that you are helpless, stuck in a body prone to disease and decay, in an unfriendly, competitive world driven by chance? Then that is what you live. Life will not contradict you, your beliefs. Life is in order to show you your beliefs. All that you see is nothing but your beliefs. You don't like what you see? Look at it. Look at it well. And ask yourself, 'what do I have to believe in order to see this?' Do I believe that I am a victim of the circumstances of my life? Do I believe that I cannot change? Do I believe that "I am like that, it's just the way I am, I can't really change that". Then you will continue to experience the same type of situation that bothers you only it will get bigger and more bothersome every time. Until you can't take it anymore! Why? Why is this happening over and over again? Why does this thing have to keep showing up in my life? It keeps showing up to give you an opportunity to see it clearly, accept it and then transform it, if that is what you wish. You are free to keep choosing it and continue to complain about it. After all, don't we all like drama? Or, you can be brave, take responsibility for yourself, your beliefs and everything in your life and change it! Take your power back! 
You were created in God's image. You are God's image. You are an image of God. One image. One version. One possibility. If you are God's image you must have the qualities God has. 


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