
Life is an ongoing conversion with the Self.
Every aspect of life is an aspect of the Self.
The Self continuously explores itself in all possible ways. There are no good ways and bad ways, all ways lead to the One. 
Every conversation I have is a conversation with myself. There is no other but the Self. When you speak to me, I listen to myself. Sometimes I like what I hear, sometimes I don't. When I like what I hear/see/experience, I am observing the parts of me that I am in harmony with. When I don't like what I hear/see/experience, I am observing the parts of me that need to be heard, understood, accepted, healed, integrated, loved. When I blame you for what you are showing me, telling me or doing to me, I am removing myself from Unity with One, I am creating a separation between me and "you" thus distancing myself from Unity. 
Every experience is here for me, for my benefit and nothing is done 'to me'. When I believe that, I am seeing myself as the victim in the situation. Victim mentality is the belief in duality. In Unity all is balanced, harmonized, healed. There is no victim and no perpetrator, no victor and no loser, no above and no below, all is understood in the role it played for the Self in its ongoing quest to answer the first question "I am or Am I?"


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