Light and Dark

Seemingly opposing, actually complementary in nature. Darkness is what gives light definition, value and means of expression. And vice-versa. One is not what it is without the other.

What is definition? Definition is creation. It is creating some thing out of the infinite. The infinite is formless. Definition means taking one or more 'particles' of the infinite and setting it apart, naming it, giving it a form and a function so that it can be observed, experienced, known.

What is the infinite? The infinite is the One, the One that contains all. All. All that exists, that has ever existed and will ever exist. That is the infinite. All. No exceptions, no exclusions. Any exclusion would make it not infinite. The infinite has no barriers, no boundaries, no limits. Place any thing outside of it and it can no longer be infinite.

The infinite is acceptance. How else could it be infinite? How else could it contain all? It equally accepts all: the light and the dark, the 'good' and the 'bad' - it all has its place inside the infinite.


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