
What is enlightenment?

Enlightenment is a choice. It means you are in the dark and you choose the light. You can only be enlightened if you are in the dark. Were you to be standing in the light, without any darkness in you, you would be one with the light. You would Be the light. So, enlightenment is being in the dark, being aware of your darkness and consciously choosing the light. It means acknowledging the existence of the darkness, being aware of the value of the darkness,  of the gift it has brought you and choosing to give it a positive value, choosing to transmute it into lessons learned, into light.

Heal - Whole - Holy

When you acknowledge your darkness and choose to embrace it, to see its value, you start to heal. As you heal you become whole, you see, accept, love the whole of yourself. And then you can consciously choose to be, live and express the totality of who you are. You are (w)holy. No longer afraid of making mistakes as you now know that any error is simply a lesson that is left to be known.


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